Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ant, Meet Sledgehammer

This week was the one people had been warning me about. When Chris and I first sat down to talk with our doctors, Dr. Kelley told us that chemo had a way of taking out everything in order to get to the cancer you really wanted to get rid of—like hitting an ant with a sledgehammer. After moving pretty well through my first half of chemo I’d say this past week was when that hammer came down.

It was the first time I felt bad pretty much all week, starting with Monday right after chemo. Fortunately we had friends bringing us dinner (Kathy, Elizabeth, Patty, Elise and Christine—thank you so much!), and Chris and the girls had a close eye on me--putting me to bed early, making sure I didn't do too much (not so easy!). Waking up this morning I felt the best I’ve felt all week. It’s a slog, but we are getting through it, and beating this.

And there is nothing like a new niece to cheer you up when you are feeling down. This little munchkin is Summer Simenstad—who arrived this summer and is the cutest Jersey girl I’ve ever seen. John and Susie are back East with her now, and I expect to see a LOT more pictures over the next week. Congratulations Mike, Jennifer and big brother Cooper—can’t wait to meet her!

1 comment:

  1. dad here...Hi Beautiful Summer !
    Thanks to all of you supporting Margie and her Family...Chris, Elsa and Alice...
    Thanks for keeping us posted, dear, brave daughter, Margie. We miss you and are so
    very proud of you. I am with Joe in NY .
    Weather very nice. Your brother Joe is doing well, as is your sister, Molly...who has her surgery tomorrow. We are so looking forward to
    seeing you, Margie and your family, and have this Chemo in the rear view mirror. Try and get some rest, love to all...Dad
