Friday, August 19, 2011

Ride on the Hairplane

Week 1 of chemo…done.  My chemo drugs are given on Mondays, with the study drug given on Mondays and Thursdays. This means side effects are most likely going to hit within a day or two of Monday’s chemo.

This week I felt really good, except from about Wednesday morning to Thursday afternoon. It wasn’t that I was feeling sick (hooray for anti-nausea meds!), but that I felt a little fuzzy around the edges and was moving in slow motion. The nurses yesterday all said the same thing: “Chemo brain!”.  I told the girls about chemo brain and that I may have a few days after chemo where I just was moving a little slowly, and that they might need to be patient with me. Alice helpfully offered to punch me in the arm to snap me out of it if she thought I was getting too spacy.

Another side effect looming, is losing my hair. Its unclear if this is going to happen yet as these drugs do effect everyone differently, but I decided to prepare myself for the worst-case scenario. Paid a visit to JD at Hairplane this week and he worked his rock-star magic. Most of my hair was left on his salon floor, so if it does fall out, there is less of it to lose.


  1. Thanks, dear Margie for your Cute picture
    and update here. You are amazing.I am sure Alice will inspire you...the way you inspire all of us.
    I read today "The Song of Ruth" and thought of you...some of it says :
    "Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay..."

    We will see you as soon as it is convenient for you and us...
    Take care, love, dad...and all of us up here.

  2. Hi honey. You look cute and feisty in your new doo. My experience with "chemo fallout" was after the third treatment but my hair is thin. You can wear cute hats of which I have many to share with you. I got a wig too but decided it was too hot and itchy so I said, "Screw it" and walked around bald most of the time. It was my "bald badge of courage" and I felt bald and proud to fight the fight! I have much to tell you and hope I can support you in this journey in any and every way so call me. It's not so bad in hindsight and you will gain much more than you will lose from this experience. Much love from your pArtner in triple neg breast cancer hell. Reggie. XXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOO
