Monday, January 9, 2012

Game Day

Margie had surgery today, and thanks to our friend, neighbor, and fellow Wade Thomas parent Laura--also an RN at Marin General Hospital--we felt as though the whole hospital was on our side.  Our experience, start to finish, confirmed out confidence in the quality of treatment Margie is receiving.
Initial lab reports on lymph nodes show they are clear and haven't been affected by cancer which is good news. We will have further information and a more comprehensive idea of follow up treatments when the tumor pathology report comes back in about four to five days.

At that time we will also know how to treat the internal mammary nodes, which imaging showed cancer involvement back in August, but that post-chemo imaging couldn't see. (This doesn't rule out current microscopic cell involvement, so we will likely radiate these internal mammary nodes to ensure the best possible outcome.)

Thanks for your support, and we will follow up after the pathology report. Margie is doing great, and she'll be out of the hospital tomorrow.  


  1. Dad here...Thanks Chris for posting this...and , of course, for all of your support.
    Thanks to Susie and John for caring for Elsa n Alice.Thanks to friends, neighbors, RNs..
    Margie is a brave woman...always has been. I remember when Margie was 6...some neighborhood boys came by our house...knocked on our front door...and asked to play with Margie...turns out they needed someone to catch a snake and put it in a box !
    Love to all...n peace and health...Dad

  2. Thanks for the update Chris. Sending my thoughts and prayers your way.

  3. Margie and Chris - am sending nothing but good thoughts to you for a good recovery, Margie, you are amazing in both your spirit and strength - I am wishing only the best of recoveries for you!

    Lindsay Parrott
