Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Radiation & Field Trips

I can’t decide if radiation is easy, or if it is a complete pain in the neck. On the one hand I don’t feel any different--my skin is growing a little red, but that is to be expected and Dr. Halberg and her team are keeping a VERY close eye on things. At the same time, it is logistically a huge hassle. I go to the doctor every Monday through Friday at 3:10pm so this is not only cutting deeply into my work day, but it is right at school pick-up time. Fortunately, I have many people stepping up to bring the girls home from school—we really couldn’t do this without our friends and family.

In the past couple of weeks, the girls both had field trips and I got to go. We successfully dodged the rain storms both days--what a stroke of luck!!

Elsa went to the Kule Loklo Miwok Village in Pt. Reyes:

Alice went to Spring Lake Regional Park in Santa Rosa. Here she is with her cousin Gracie and friend Elizabeth.

Last weekend, Chris and I (and Josie too) went to Inverness for the weekend to celebrate my birthday. Thanks to Susie and John we not only had a beautiful place to stay, but they took the girls for the whole weekend! We also fit in a field trip--ours was to Dillon Beach:

1 comment:

  1. Dad here...thanks for the Update...cute pictures.
    You are a great writer...and very brave as well.
    Thanks to your many friends and family for help,
    also your great Medical team.
    Happy Dad
