As I finish my first week of Round 3 of chemo, I’m realizing that my energy level is taking a dip. The first two rounds I felt pretty good for the most part—just had to accommodate some tired spells every day or so. Now, the tiredness and fatigue is more of a constant and I have to make some choices.
I typically run at a pretty high speed. Most people I know with a family and a job and a dog etc., do. Now, instead of doing everything as normal, I need to make trade-offs. For example: do I go to the gym or do I stay awake past 8pm? Or, if I take Josie to the dog park in the morning, do I let myself watch What Not to Wear on the couch with the girls at 4pm (OK, that was an easy trade-off). My point is, I can’t do everything anymore, and it’s honestly kind of a pain.
Fortunately, my family and friends continue to provide just continuous and amazing support, and my trade-offs are pretty minor right now. Last night, my parents arrived for a visit from Oregon and as Elsa said on the walk to school this morning, “They are SO awesome”!
As soon as my mom and dad arrived, Elsa and Alice had my mom involved in an art project, and in short order, we had a gallery on the wall with pictures they had done together.
Both girls were happy to instruct my parents on how to play Angry Birds. At first we had them sharing one phone—then I went through the trade-off calculation of “Do I make them learn to share, listen to them bicker, and get really annoyed, or do we give them two phones and enjoy the peacefulness”. I went with the two phones.
Thanks Mom and Dad for coming—we are so happy to have you here!